Kulen Mountain The Holy Mountain

12:45 AM Arom Photography 0 Comments

           About 40 kilometers from Siem Reap city Kulen Moutain is a tourist attraction site after Banteay Srei Temple. This mountain is a holy mountain dedicated to Hindu and Buddhism. This is the birth place of Khmer Empire after the king Javavarman II proclaimed Independence from Java in 802 CE then he initiated the Devaraja cult of king there. During the Angkorian Era the mountain was called Mahendraparvata which mean the mountain of the great Indra. There are many things to visit there.

1. Preah Ang Thom
        Most of visitor will come to see and pray for at Preah Ang Thom First After they get to the mountain. That is that statue of reclining Buddha carved into the huge sandstone. Preah Ang Thom is the sacred and worshipping god for Phnom Kulen. There is on statue of Preah Bat Chaon Tuk(The Buddha’s footprint) near the Buddha’s statue.

2. The Valley of One Thousand Lingas
         There are many many of Lingas and Yoni carved at bottom of the valley, which is tributary of the Siem Reap River.

3. Waterfalls
        There are 2 waterfall on the Kulen Mountain, one is about 4-5 meters height and another one is about 15-20 meters height.
The Second Waterfall

4. There are More thing to visit
        Beside that most visited places on Kulen Mountain there are more place to visit like Chub Preah, The Stone Elephant of Srah Domrei etc.